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My Top 5 Mascaras

I am a mascara junkie! The more coats the better. The chunkier my lashes look, the better! The clumpier it GETS, THE BETTER!

That’s the type of mascara user I am! 3 coats is the minimum! Haha. I know, that’s pretty excessive, but I hate when I do my mascara and the result that I get are malnourished lashes, do you know what I mean? If you are a “natural” mascara gal, this post isn’t for you. BUT, if you are curious about the mascaras I use that give me that falsie-looking vibe then keep reading!

PS: I’m bringing back MAKEUP MONDAY! I figured it would be nice for all of you to know what you’re gonna get on a Monday.

  1. Maybelline Colossal Big Shot

    This is my most favorite mascara OF ALL TIME! That’s saying a lot because I have tried quite a handful of different ones and this by far takes the cake! I prefer a dryer formula from a mascara and that’s why I love this so much! This volumizes, lengthens, and curls my lashes in just two coats! I do 3 coats because I like the drama, but even with only 2 coats, I’m able to get that falsies effect! I love how this separates my lashes and thickens them with every stroke. You also can’t beat the price so this is definitely my top 1! If you want to see me apply this mascara in real time, no edits, click here!

  2. Lancome Monsieur Big

    This was bumped down to number 2 because of the price point, but if this was the same price as the Maybelline one, this wins this listicle! As the name suggests, this mascara makes your lashes look HUMONGOUS and that’s with just ONE COAT! I kid you not! This definitely saves me time building up the mascara because sometimes, I don’t even have to do it. This makes my lashes look super black, thick, and long as well! If you are willing to splurge on a fantastic mascara, put your money on this bad boy.

  3. IT Cosmetics Superhero

    I remember the time when this was my Big Shot mascara. I don’t know how many tubes of this mascara I’ve gone through but man, I miss those days! This is a really great mascara if you want really big chunky lashes. This pretty much does all the same things the other two mascara do, but this can sometimes flake off. Because it does have a thicker formula, it can clump up on your lashes waaaay quicker than my top 2 mascaras. BUT, I still very much recommend this because it’s really good!

  4. Loreal Voluminous Curved Brush

    Here’s another drugstore favorite of mine! This was my go-to mascara when I was living in Canada! I love how this volumized my lashes and it left my lashes with a beautiful matte black finish! I used to use the waterproof one because in Canada, my lashes turned to ice haha, so waterproof is key! It’s not as lengthening as my other recommendations, but because of its curved shape, it really fans the lashes out nicely.

  5. Too Faced Better Than Sex

    This was my first high-end mascara and I remember liking it. Now that I’ve tried a lot of other mascaras, this is just good; a good everyday mascara. Because it has a more unique shape, I found that it was a bit challenging to apply. I always ended up having mascara on my eyelids. Also, this has a super wet formula so I only started liking it after the formula got a little dried up. This is my least favorite one because this flakes like crazy. It’s still a good standard mascara that I think is better than a lot of mascaras, but for me, it’s just not the best anymore.

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That’s it for today’s Makeup Monday post! Come back next week because I will be sharing all my tips and tricks on how I apply false lashes!

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