







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
Posts in Q & A
How To Really Know Someone | 07

34. Would you save an extremely talented musician who has the influence to promote good values for the world or a pregnant woman in a situation where it is certain you must choose one over the other?

I would definitely choose the pregnant woman, because in that case, I'll be saving two lives. And who knows, maybe that child will be a great influence to the world in the future! 

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The Liebster Award

"The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn’t that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs."

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