







Merit Evergreen - 728x90

Eat With Corinth: Jorge's Waffle Breakfast

One of the perks of being married is having a husband who prepares breakfast. I know, it should be the other way around, but Jorge is an amazing husband so he makes me breakfast most mornings and his signature breakfast meal is this mouthwatering ham and egg with cheddar cheese waffle! I want to try making this but I’d probably end up massacre-ing the eggs so I’d rather have Jorge make our breakfast sandwiches all the time. HIHI. I’ve seen how Jorge makes these bad boys and now, I’m making a blog post about his recipe. It’s not so hard so I’m sure you’ll enjoy making this yourself. 

What you need: (1 serving)

  • 2 pieces of Frozen waffles or sliced bread (either one is good but we love making ours with waffles!)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 or 2 Slices ham (the meatier the better)
  • Sliced cheese (your preference, we like cheddar)
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Mayonnaise (optional)
  • Ketchup (optional)

What to do:

  • Just like a regular sandwich, layer up your waffle breakfast. waffle, egg and cheese, ham then the last waffle on top.
  • Enjoy while it’s still hot.

Bonus tips:

You can add mayonnaise and ketchup to add some flavor to your sandwich. If you’re not a fan of cheddar cheese, you can try using different cheeses. Pop your ham inside the microwave for a few seconds if you don’t like to eat it cold. Goes well with coffee. ;)
