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The Best Book Subscription Service For Children ⏤ Bookroo Review

As a mom who loves to read, I obviously want my daughter to learn to love reading as well.

But like most moms (I bet), I got a little stressed out on what books to buy Adeline because THERE IS SO MANY OUT THERE! I honestly was so anxious that I ended up not getting her books at all. Isn’t that awful?! Well, I discovered a solution to this dilemma, and I am so excited to share with you this book subscription service for children called Bookroo!

Aren’t you glad that we live in an age where subscription services are a thing?

And nowadays, pretty much anything could be delivered to you, even books!

Bookroo is a book subscription service that curates books for your little one and they get delivered straight to your doorstep! It takes away the stress of figuring out what books to buy next because they do all that for you, plus this is a really great and easy way to get started on your child’s little library and fulfill your personal Beauty & The Beast library dream!

I love that Bookroo also made it super easy for parents to navigate the website because I’m sure they know that we don’t got time to shop like we used to! They split it up into two steps. First, you pick out what type of books you want to receive based on the age of your child, and then you choose how many boxes you want to pay for. The more prepaid boxes you order, the more savings you get. But if you are scared to commit all the way the first time, it’s only $19.95 per month which I think is an awesome deal already.


Bookroo sent Adeline her first box and I love how cute the books came. Each book was packaged with cute wrapping paper and honestly, it felt like Christmas. We also love the selection of books they sent us but Adeline’s favorite is the What Noise Does an Owl Make because each page is interactive where I get to pull out something to reveal what sound the animals made.

Obviously, I love this service and will continue to order books from them. I highly recommend! They were so kind to provide me a discount code for you guys to use so you can try out this fun and convenient service for less!

Just use the code ✨CORINTHSUAREZ at checkout to get 15% off your order!

Bookroo Discount Code

15% off code:

Get your little one’s first Bookroo box today and use my code for 15% off your order!

Do your kids love to read books?
Will you try Bookroo?

Let me know below!

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Bookroo, but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Photos taken by Jorge Suarez.

Make reading exciting!