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Tips on Buying Jewelry

Jewelry is my favorite way to elevate any outfit!

However, buying jewelry can be fairly confusing, especially if you’re relatively new to this. Since jewelry prices can range from double digits to several thousand, it’s a good idea to understand why jewelry can be expensive and what you should look for based on your personal needs. Today, I’m sharing a brief guide on how to buy jewelry.


When buying jewelry online, make sure you go with a reputable brand

A lot of people prefer to buy jewelry online these days because it’s convenient and you get plenty of choices. However, it’s a good idea to pick a reputable brand to ensure that you’re getting something that is worth your money.

You don’t need to go with designer jewelry brands or expensive retailers. You can afford to go with cheaper brands and even look at marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon if you’re bargain hunting. This is a great way to pick up cheaper pieces, but do remember that if something is too good to be true then it probably is.

Do a bit of research on gemstone qualities to help you understand the jargon

When buying gemstones it’s a good idea to learn the different terms to help you understand the descriptions that stores often use to categorize and price their items.

For example, you should learn what hearts and arrows diamonds are and you should understand the different qualities of various gemstones. These terms can often describe the overall quality of the gemstone, but they can also help you get a better understanding of the price range that you should expect to pay. This can help you avoid certain scams and makes it easier for you to pick out the bargains from the overpriced items.


Determine your purpose when buying jewelry

Jewelry is a type of accessory, and it can evoke different kinds of emotions depending on what you wear. For example, some people will buy expensive jewelry as a flex because of the brand name. This is a completely valid reason to wear jewelry, especially if they’re able to afford high-end brands.

However, if you’re like me, and just want to buy and wear jewelry because it’s fun and you like to elevate your daily outfits then there’s nothing wrong with going for something more affordable such as a low-quality gemstone or something mass-produced. Just because something is cheaper doesn’t mean the quality is not there.

Where do you usually buy jewelry?

Be sure to check the link above to see my previous post where I linked 7 affordable luxury jewelry stores.

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