







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
Posts tagged Coffee
3 Things That Get Me Going This Summer

Can you feel it? Can you feel the change in the air? Have you noticed the change in the atmosphere? The trees are dressed in beautiful bright green hues, and the sky’s getting bluer each day, but not the sad kind! The sun smiles at us earlier in the mornings, and dips its head down later at nights, and my gosh, how I love the golden hour! These are the signs of summer, and I cannot wait to fully bask in its glory.

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My Morning Routine with Minos

I've always wanted to do a post like this because it's like showing you guys a side of me that's almost never posted on social media. Mornings for some people are very rushed, but for me, mornings are very slow and relaxed, and I thought I'd invite you to a little sneak peek into my favorite time of the day!

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